
Hypermedia functions for bidi and ring.

hype currently provides support for:

  • generating paths or URLs,
  • including template parameters, and
  • converting between paths and URLs.


(absolute-path->absolute-url request absolute-path)

Builds an absolute URL by appending absolute-path to the base URL of request.

The request should be a ring request or equivalent. The URL is returned as a string.


(absolute-path-for routes handler)(absolute-path-for routes handler {:keys [path-params path-template-params path-template-param-key-fn query-params query-param-key-fn query-template-params query-template-param-key-fn], :or {path-params {}, path-template-params {}, path-template-param-key-fn csk/->camelCaseString, query-params {}, query-param-key-fn csk/->camelCaseString, query-template-params [], query-template-param-key-fn csk/->camelCaseString}, :as params})

Builds an absolute path for handler based on routes and params where:

  • handler is a keyword identifying the handler for which to build a path,
  • routes is a bidi routes data structure,
  • params is an optional map which optionally includes any of:
    • path-params: parameters defined in the bidi routes as route patterns, specified as a map,
    • path-template-params: parameters that should remain templatable in the resulting path, specified as a map from path parameter name to template variable name, as keywords.
    • path-template-param-key-fn: a function to apply to path template variable names before including in the path, camel casing by default.
    • query-params: parameters that should be appended to the path as query string parameters, specified as a map,
    • query-param-key-fn: a function to apply to query parameter keys before including in the path, camel casing by default,
    • query-template-params: parameters that should be appended to the path as query string template parameters, specified as a sequence of parameter names,
    • query-template-param-key-fn: a function to apply to query template parameter keys before including in the path, camel casing by default.

The path is returned as a string.


(def routes ["/" {"index.html" :index
                    "articles/" {"index.html" :article-index
                                   [:id "/article.html"] :article}}])

(absolute-path-for routes :index)
; => "/index.html"

(absolute-path-for routes :article
  {:path-params {:id 10}})
; => "/articles/10/article.html"

(absolute-path-for routes :article
  {:path-template-params {:id :article-id}})
; => "/articles/{articleId}/article.html"

(absolute-path-for routes :article
  {:path-template-params {:id :articleID}
   :path-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "/articles/{articleID}/article.html"

(absolute-path-for routes :article-index
  {:query-params {:latest true
                  :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-template-params [:per-page :page]})
; => "/articles/index.html?latest=true&sortDirection=descending{&perPage,page}"

(absolute-path-for routes :article
  {:path-params {:id 10}
   :query-template-params [:include-author, :include-images]})
; => "/articles/10/article.html{?includeAuthor,includeImages}"

(absolute-path-for routes :article-index
  {:query-params {:latest true
                  :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity
   :query-template-params [:per-page :page]
   :query-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "/articles/index.html?latest=true&sort-direction=descending{&per-page,page}"


(absolute-url-for request routes handler)(absolute-url-for request routes handler params)

Builds an absolute URL for handler based on request, routes and params where:

  • handler is a keyword identifying the handler for which to build a path,
  • routes is a bidi routes data structure,
  • params is an optional map which optionally includes any of:
    • path-params: parameters defined in the bidi routes as route patterns, specified as a map,
    • path-template-params: parameters that should remain templatable in the resulting path, specified as a map from path parameter name to template variable name, as keywords.
    • path-template-param-key-fn: a function to apply to path template variable names before including in the path, camel casing by default.
    • query-params: parameters that should be appended to the path as query string parameters, specified as a map,
    • query-param-key-fn: a function to apply to query parameter keys before including in the path, camel casing by default,
    • query-template-params: parameters that should be appended to the path as query string template parameters, specified as a sequence of parameter names,
    • query-template-param-key-fn: a function to apply to query parameter template keys before including in the path, camel casing by default.

The request should be a ring request or equivalent. The URL is returned as a string.

Examples: (require ’[ring.mock.request :as ring-mock])

(def request (ring-mock/request "GET" "https://localhost:8080/help"))
(def routes ["/" {"index.html" :index
                    "articles/" {"index.html" :article-index
                                   [:id "/article.html"] :article}}])

(absolute-url-for request routes :index)
; => "https://localhost:8080/index.html"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article
  {:path-params {:id 10}})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/10/article.html"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article
  {:path-template-params {:id :article-id}})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/{articleId}/article.html"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article
  {:path-template-params {:id :articleID}
   :path-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/{articleID}/article.html"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article-index
  {:query-params {:latest true
                  :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-template-params [:per-page :page]})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/index.html?latest=true&sortDirection=descending{&perPage,page}"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article
  {:path-params {:id 10}
   :query-template-params [:include-author :include-images]})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/10/article.html{?includeAuthor,includeImages}"

(absolute-url-for request routes :article-index
  {:query-params {:latest true
                  :sort-direction "descending"}
   :query-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity
   :query-template-params [:per-page :page]
   :query-template-param-key-fn clojure.core/identity})
; => "https://localhost:8080/articles/index.html?latest=true&sort-direction=descending{&per-page,page}"


(base-url-for request)

Returns the URL used to reach the server based on request.

The request should be a ring request or equivalent. The URL is returned as a string.