Provides an implementation of org.hawkular.agent.prometheus.walkers.PrometheusMetricsWalker that parses a prometheus exposition and stores it, retrievable under (.getResult)


(-getResult this)




(-walkCounterMetric this family counter index)

void walkCounterMetric(MetricFamily family, Counter counter, int index)

Called when a new counter metric is found.


(-walkFinish this families-processed metrics-processed)

void walkFinish(int familiesProcessed, int metricsProcessed)

Called when a walk has traversed all the metrics.


(-walkGaugeMetric this family gauge index)

void walkGaugeMetric(MetricFamily family, Gauge gauge, int index)

Called when a new gauge metric is found.


(-walkHistogramMetric this family histogram index)

void walkHistogramMetric(MetricFamily family, Histogram histogram, int index)

Called when a new histogram metric is found.


(-walkMetricFamily this family index)

void walkMetricFamily(MetricFamily family, int index)

Called when a new metric family is about to be traversed.


(-walkStart this)

void walkStart()

Called when a walk has been started.


(-walkSummaryMetric this family summary index)

void walkSummaryMetric(MetricFamily family, Summary summary, int index)

Called when a new summary metric is found.